Laurie's Rodent Site Home My Pets About Articles Fun Stuff Links G-Book
  Welcome to Laurie's Rodent Site. This site has been online a little over two years now. You'll be able to find all kinds of things about hamsters, mice, and rats here, including articles on how to care for them, jokes, comics, quizzes and lots of other fun stuff about the cute little animals we share our lives with.

Got a minute? (Sure you do!) Please sign my guestbook and let me know what you like/don't like about my site. Please don't ask for pet care tips in my guestbook! If you want some help, send me an e-mail. [email protected]

Test your rodent knowledge by taking the quizzes in the Fun Stuff section. Or, if you have a site that you think is "rodent savvy", then why not apply for the Rodent Savvy Site Award?

It was fun.

This site will no longer be updated due to the fact that I no longer have any pet rodents, and don't plan on having any in the near future. However, the site will remain here as a tribute to all of the wonderful little pets that made such a huge impact on my life, especially my rats Nimbus and Panda, who taught me how to love.

Remember, everything will still be here so feel free to browse. Don't be afraid to sign the guestbook or apply for an award, I still check e-mail. =)

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