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Rodent Savvy Site Award

Rodent Savvy Site Award Rodent Savvy Site Award

Savvy: To understand; comprehend.

Not too many people are very knowledgable or understanding when it comes to rodents. Surprisingly enough though, I've learned from the web that there are still thousands who are! Many people show this through their web sites. I'd like to acknowledge these people! People who love rodents are different in the sense that they have the patience to learn how to understand these animals and make the best out of keeping them. So if you think your site is rodent savvy, then please apply!


1. You have to have a web site. (This is obvious) Yes, MSN groups can count, as long as they for the most part are set up like a site.

2. Your site of course have to have some content about rodents in it. At least 1 or 2 pages, and they should show that you have some knowledge of your animals, not just pictures and how cute you think they are.

3. Your site must be decent looking and easy to navigate. No, it doesn't have to be perfect, but please no sites with a red background and purple text. We should all know what colors look nice together and what colors don't. Please have some sort of navigation set up. At least a "back to home page" button.

4. Your site doesn't have to be about hamsters, mice, and rats. Of course these are the rodents I own, but sites about chinchillas, cavies, gerbils, jirds, chipmunks, prairie dogs, squirrels, degus, spiny mice, and other species of rodents are acceptable too. I love reading about all kinds of rodents!

5. Please keep spelling mistakes to a minimum. We all make mistakes now and then so getting your "there's" or "theirs" mixed up is OK. A lot of internet slang is annoying too. A few "LOLs" now and again is ok.

6. Obviously I don't want any sites regarding rodents as feeders for snakes! Nothing against snakes, I love all animals, but this is for people who love rodents and keep them as pets.

7. The award shown above is an example, as it clearly states. Please do not take it. If you win, I will E-Mail your award to you. The real award is not even stored in my web directory.

8. If you win, please place my award somewhere on your site and link it back to

9. There are two awards you can choose from. If you win, when I E-Mail you I will ask which one you'd like. Just let me know and I'll send it to you.


Your site's name

Site URL

E-Mail address

Award Winners:

Hamster Galaxy
Kaancan's Hamster Page
Hammies Corner
Runabout Ratties Rattery
Claire's Rats
Rats Rollover

Please note: I will not add your link here until the award I have given you is placed somewhere on your site. Preferably, somewhere noticeable, like an "awards" page, or the index page if you prefer.

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