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These are some articles I've written on pets and pet care.

Social Animals - Many species of rodents are social animals, social meaning that they should be housed in pairs or groups. In the wild, social animals would live in large family groups, therefore, keeping them in pairs or groups in captivity gives them more natural, happy lives.....more...

General Mouse Care - Feeding mice isn't really all that difficult. There are a variety of different things you can give them to keep them healthy. First one is a standard rodent mix, for mice and gerbils.....more...

Mouse Introduction - Originally two of the baby mice were given away, but my friend who took them could no longer keep them. So of course I agreed to take them back. I wanted them to live with their mother and sisters though, so I decided to re-introduce them. I made this page in case anyone was interested in introducing mice.....more...

The European Hamster - The common hamster is a large, guinea pig-sized hamster found in Central Europe, parts of the Common Wealth of Independent States, and some have been found in desert regions in Asia....more...

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