-Make sure your hamster has food and water at all times! Don't let your hamster go without it!

-DO NOT use Pine or Cedar bedding! Most hamsters are highly allergic to Pine and Cedar beddings. Your best choice for bedding is Carefresh or Aspen.

-DO NOT use a runged wheel for your hamster! It's tiny legs can get stuck between the rungs and it could result in a missing leg! If you do have a runged wheel, weave paper through the rungs, or cover up TIGHTLY where the rungs are with cardboard.

-Don't leave your hamster where small children can grab them! Children can accidently squeeze the hamster to death, or seriously hurt it. Leave your hamster in a locked room, up high, or in a room small children aren't able to get in.

-Don't leave your hamster near where dogs and cats are. If your hamster got out, your dog or cat could get it and kill it, or damage it seriously. Make sure you always lock your hamsters cage after you are done playing with it!

-Don't feed hamsters too many treats, especially Dwarf hamsters. When Dwarf hamsters get too much sugar in their system, they may get the disease Diabetes. Diabetes can be a fatal disease to hamsters. It is most common in Dwarf hamsters, but occasionally a Syrian hamster can get Diabetes too.

-Remember to clean your hamsters cage out! You don't want a hamster to live in it's own filth! You should clean a hamsters cage out once or twice a week.


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