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I Love Rats Because....

They love you even when you're not feeding them

When you fall asleep with rats in your room you will be awakened often by them licking your face

When they sleep they snuggle together

When you buy them toys they actually play with them

Like humans they love luxury and good food

When you stick your face against the cage bars they give you kisses

As soon as you even walk in the room they run straight to the cage door

It's fun to take pictures of them

They're eyes can get all googly

They wriggle their ears

They sit on your shoulder

When they sit on your shoulder backwards you can stroke their tail

They never come near your desk unless YOUR sitting at it, in which case they will climb all over you, lick you, bite your feet, climb on your shoulder, type on the keyboard, pee on your mouse, spill your drink and otherwise distract you from your work

They demand attention

They love the attention you give them

Nothing is ever "not good enough" for a rat, a shoebox does just as well as a plastic igloo

They lay in hammocks

When you shake a bag of treats they come running

They let you hug and kiss them (sometimes :))

They have soft fur

They come in many colors

They steal your stuff and hide it under your bed

They eat your food when they *think* you're not looking

When they lick you they don't get your face all slobbery

When they escape from their cage the first place they go is your bedroom, looking for YOU

They think they own everything

They always keep themselves clean and well groomed

They can chew up your most valued treasures only for you to just shrug it off

They climb up your pant leg and sit on your lap

They always make sure your nose and ears are clean

They look so cute when they stand up on their hind legs

They dig in your garbage can

Their lives are short and precious

They really do love you

Because when you make a list of all the reasons why you love your rats, it can go on and on forever.

By Laurie. Please ask permission if you would like to use this.

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