~How to make Yuugiou funny~

1. Don't try too hard.
Having the character of your choice dance to a song could be funny.
2. Be dumb and pointless.
Ever seen Napoleon Dynamite? It had no plot, no sense, and was simply about a nerd living his life.
3. State simple truths.
Simple truths that no one notices can be tuned into something comical.
4. Over exaggerate often.
While watching Yuugiou, find soming that is down-played and over exaggerate it. Like how Yami stands...
5. Use out of character situations.
Find something that the character would never be caught dead doing.
6. Use the character's bad habbits.
If the character has a bad habbit (like forgetting ones past), make fun of it! and/or use #4.
7. Do crossovers
The Yuugiou team playing the characters in another show turns out hilarious!
8. Be in a good mood
If you dont laugh at it, it will be hard for others to do so also.
9. Let there be gaps
The best thing about humor is that you dont have to give all the details, this lets the person come up with their own picture in thier mind. These turn out hilarious.
10. Be blunt
Don't try to use fancy words, just say it how it is.

~Whats funny and whats just plain wrong!~

1. You have to learn when to stop.
That one I found out to be the biggest problem in Yuugiou humor.
2. Swearing too much is not funny.
Exceptions: Its funny when some one is in pain, angry or sad. (Thats the only times I dont notice the swearing
Example: Kagami's (from Little marik haven) fanfictions. When Yuugi swears and Yami washes his mouth out with soap! XD Also when Seto has to be little bo peep, she uses the real word once then says "Where are my *bleepin* sheep" for the rest of her story.
3. Having *ehem* "fun" is not funny at all.
It's just sick and shouldn't be placed in any kind of humor Exceptions: Hinting is okay, this goes along with "Knowing when to stop."
Examples: In my captions I have a picture of mokuba stairing at Isis's chest. I don't come out and say "Look mokuba is thinking about what she looks like naked!" ew... no! I let you all fill in the gaps, and thats what makes captions funny!
4. Keep the mood.
When doing cross-overs, make sure to change things in the show you are doing to fit the Yuugiou theme.
Examples: In my fanfic "Midget Yuugi, Leather pants" I took a Sponge bob episode and made it into a parody. Because Sponge bob is about a sea sponge, I had to make changes to the enviorment to make it sound like they were in Domino Japan.