(I wrote this for school... Tehehe~)

I disapprove of WB and Cartoon Network showing the T.V. series “Yugioh.” I believe that we are exposing children to mature themes that they are not prepared to know about at their young ages. 4kids should stop covering up the true meanings and nature of these crude episodes. The children that watch these episodes are at the ages where they wish to experiment with what they have seen and learned. Originally, the show was created for ages fifteen to adult but, is now being shown to young audiences that are gawking at its inappropriate contents. Violence is a big part of this show and helps the plot move on but, now that 4kids have extracted these images, no one quite knows what exactly is going on. The dubbing company tries to cover up instances where a main character has died by saying that they will return in a later episode when they never do. Basically, they are making empty promises by telling the children that when you die, you will be able to come back to life. Thus teaching the kids that they are invincible. In a season of the series, one of the main characters is homicidal towards the other members. This character also performed satanic beliefs in the edited as well as the Japanese. I’m sure that there are many parents out there already who disapprove of the show. In this underestimated, children’s program, there are many cases where religious references are used for magical spells or indication of the monster using something magical. For example the Star of David is used when there is a magician type monster and instances where a monster is hung on a Crucifix to stop a magic type attacks. Many families here in America are Christian while in Japan, only a fraction of the country has any religion. That means that Japanese are able to use these symbols without complaints, thus meaning that they use the symbols a lot during the show. Profanity is a big problem in this show. I have read the original Japanese comics and seen some of the unedited and was quiet surprised at how much cussing was used during the episodes. The main character and his friends uttered almost all of the profanity. It’s surprising how many kid I have heard say that their role model is this foul-mouthed teen. In the Japanese version that 4kids has recently released, they claim it to be unedited when they cut out the Japanese swear words but leave in a “K” sound. In Japan, the only way to really cuss at some one is to speak to them extremely impolitely, though they do use word that could be considered light profanity but isn’t taken seriously. Many people on the other hand translate the words as being actual swear words so this section is controversial. Real life themes are also portrayed during these episodes, including gangs, divorce, child abuse, schizophrenia, and amnesia. Most children don’t know what these things are and are hidden from the explanations. For this show to be appreciated more fully, 4kids should stop trying to downplay these segments and let the feeling of real life flow back into the episodes. Another point is that this series was made for an older audience, mostly consisting of teenage boys. To attract this age group, inappropriate actions are put into the program that is not meant for young children that this show is being aimed towards. Many of the female monsters wear as little clothing as possible if any at all. 4kids take hours and thousands of dollars trying to cover up scandalously dress characters to try and make this program suitable for young children. The truth is that those efforts have been for nothing since the release of the unedited just this summer. There we get the first taste of what the show is really about, along with every crude joke, bath scene, “Henshin,” and immodest character. The most puzzling question that I have asked many times is “Why in the world is this vile, immoral, crude, PG-13, procession of images being geared to audiences ages seven to twelve?” The answer is beyond me, but I do have a hunch on some of the reasons. I believe that back in 2001 when they first started to show these episodes, not many people knew what Anime (Japanese cartoons) was. I think that many of the people thought that because that because it was a cartoon that it was meant for kids. The show wouldn’t have done well on the market back them because of this. The only way for 4kids to get their money worth out of it was to edit it for young boys and pawn it off onto them. 4kids is not helping the kids, but rather hurting them more by hiding the truth about their favorite shows. This poor dubbing company should give up trying to edit it for kids and let the true nature of the show unfold before they completely burn the Anime industry to the ground. Stop the show from airing.


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