
SmokEy is A PearL WinTer WhiTe.
tHe Very NexT dAy i goT hiM,
i FounD ouT thAt He's ImpoTenT!
thEre GoeS mY dReaM oF bReedIng hamSters...
despiTe the FacT That he Is imPoteNt,
He's VerY, vErY, VeRy cuTe~
anD AlsO TamE.
SmokEy WilL stay PuT in My HandS, Not WriGgle AboUt
WheN i tuRn Him faCing Up

the one standing on twos is Smokey,
while the one behind the wheel is Pinky.


AmandiNe's PaGe

SmokEy's PagE

PinKy's PaGe

Max's PaGE

Angie's PaGE

The BaBiEs...

Copyright � 2001 by Melissa

Hamster House - the best hamster hangout