
Hi I aM PinKy.
ActUallY i am a Pearl WinTer WhitE.
B cOz oF mY PiNk LiTTlE NosE, mY oWner caLLed mE PinKy.
OWneR saiD tHat i Am Fat and cuTe.
JusT toDay, I sTareD RunnIng My WheeL to ExErciSe
And To stOp De WheEl FroM CoLLeCtInG DuSt. :)

Look~! i am running my wheel!
Smokey just LovEs to sleep.


AmandiNe's PaGe

SmokEy's PagE

PinKy's PaGe

Max's PaGE

Angie's PaGE

tHe babIes

Copyright � 2001 by MeLissa

Hamster House - the best hamster hangout