Zabu was born on May 25th, 2001. He is a long-haired banded syrian. He was the runt of his litter, and was often picked on by his sisters. That day when I went into the pet shop and saw his cute little pink nose come out from being buried in shavings, I knew we must be together. So I took him home and he didn't adapt well at first. He was timid because of being beat up by the other hamsters in the pet shop. But soon he felt at home and he grew to love me, of course I had already loved him since the moment I saw him. Zabu, now 8 months old, loves to cuddle, chew on his paper towel roll and eat sunflower seeds. But what he loves most of all is his fiance Peeko, and can't wait to have a lifetime of wonderful memories with her.
Favorite Food: Cheerios
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Activity: Running On His Wheel
Favorite Person: Me!:)
Favorite Hammie: Peeko!:)