Hey everyone! This is my(Amanda) hamster Peeko! Ain't she cute? Anyway, I got her August 3, 2001 and she was very small compared to how she is now. It's amazing how fast they grow!
Peeko is a very spoiled hamster. Her cage alone cost $90.00! Would you like to see it?
And that's nothing compared to all the add-ons I have on there now! I mean NOTHING.
Peeko is very hyper! HYPER HYPER HYPER she is! She loves her little roll around balls. She has two, a clear one and an orange one. I'll probably have to get her a new one soon cause she bangs into a lot of things. PURPOSELY! But when she's not hyper(which is rare) she'll cuddle with you and sleep on your lap for hours and hours. She also loves night time walks.
Here are Peeko's favorites!
Favortie Food: Peanuts
Favortie Thing To Do: Run In Her Ball
Favortie Person: Me!(Amanda)
Favortie Hamster: ZABU!
Favortie Color: Yellow
Favortie Website: Ths One!